Abram Hindle CSC499 AUSS Dec 19 2002

Source Forge AUSS Project Page
AUSS Hosted at Source Forge
AUSS Hosted at abez.ca

The First Iteration Summary, Summary of tasks completed during the 1st iteration of AUSS.

  • Connector, a audio routing daemon. The heart of AUSS.
  • Configurator, a program which interfaces with and configures the Connector.
  • AUSSLib Java and example, A Java API for the AUSSLib.
  • AUSSLib C and example, A C API for the AUSSLib.
  • AUSSLib Perl and example, A Perl API for the AUSSLib.
  • Demuxer, sits on a port and demultiplexes audio data to stdout.
  • Muxer, connects to multiple hosts and streams audio data out.
  • PipeSplitter, splits interleaved audio to two streams, outputted on STDOUT and STDERR.
  • Sink, connects to the connector and acts as an output connection, writes data to STDOUT.
  • cvolume example, program which acts as a filter which adjusts the volume of incoming audio.
  • javavolume example, program which acts as a filter which adjusts the volume of incoming audio.