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00001 #include "Connector.h"
00005 #define DEFAULT_PORT 6780
00007 Connector::Connector() {
00009 }
00010 Connector::~Connector() {
00011         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00012         for (iter = allConnections->begin(); iter != allConnections->end(); iter++) {
00013                 (*iter)->disconnect();
00014                 delete *iter;
00015         }
00016         allConnections->clear();
00018         list<ConfigConnection *>::iterator citer;
00019         for (citer = configConnections->begin(); citer != configConnections->end(); citer++) {
00020                 (*citer)->disconnect();
00021                 delete *citer;
00022         }
00023         configConnections->clear();
00024         currentConfig = NULL;
00025         {
00026                 list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00027                 for (iter = allConnections->begin(); iter != allConnections->end(); iter++) {
00028                         allConnections->erase(iter);
00029                         delete (*iter);
00030                 }
00031         }
00032         {
00033                 list<ConfigConnection *>::iterator iter;
00034                 for (iter = configConnections->begin(); iter != configConnections->end(); iter++) {
00035                         configConnections->erase(iter);
00036                         delete (*iter);
00037                 }
00038         }
00039         delete allConnections;
00040         delete configConnections;
00041         delete (MessageExecutor*)messageExecutor;
00042         delete connectionFactory;
00043         delete bf;
00044 }
00045 Connector::Connector(int start) {
00046         init(start,start+1,start+2,start+3);
00047 }
00048 Connector::Connector(int inputport,int outputport,int filterport, int configport) {
00049         init(inputport,outputport,filterport,configport);
00050 }
00051 void Connector::init(int inputport,int outputport,int filterport, int configport) {
00052         bf = new BufferedFileFactory();
00053         connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(bf,inputport,outputport,filterport,configport);
00054         updated();
00055         allConnections = new list<ConnectionWrap *>();
00056         messageExecutor = new MessageExecutor();
00057         configConnections = new list<ConfigConnection *>();
00058         ConnectorSingleton().setConnector(this);
00059         quit = false;
00060         processUpdate = lastUpdated;
00061 }
00062 int Connector::lastUpdate() {
00063         return lastUpdated;
00064 }
00065 void Connector::lastChange() {
00066         char number[12];
00067         snprintf(number,12,"%d",lastUpdate());
00068         string final = "<lastChange>";
00069         final += "<time>";
00070         final += string(number);
00071         final += "</time></lastChange>";
00072         currentConfig->write(final.c_str(),final.size());
00073 }
00074 void Connector::updated() {
00075         lastUpdated = time(NULL);
00076 }
00077 list<ConnectionWrap *> * Connector::getConnectionList() {
00078         return allConnections;
00079 }
00080 void Connector::disconnect(int fd) {
00081         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator eter;
00082         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00083         ConnectionWrap * it = NULL;
00084         int fh;
00085         for (eter = allConnections->begin(); eter != allConnections->end(); eter++) {
00087                 fh = (*eter)->getFileHandle();
00088                 if (fd == fh) {
00089                         it = *eter;
00090                         break;
00091                 }
00092         }
00093         if (it!=NULL) {
00094                 allConnections->remove(it);
00095                 for (iter = allConnections->begin(); iter != allConnections->end(); iter++) {
00096                         (*iter)->disconnectFrom(it);
00097                 }
00098                 it->disconnect();
00099                 updated();
00100                 delete it;
00101                 return;
00102         }
00103         //ERROR
00104         throw new string("No connection found. Could not disconnect connection");
00105 }
00106 void Connector::unPatch(int from, int to) {
00107         cout << "UNPATCH " << from << " TO " << to << "\n";
00108         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00109         ConnectionWrap * fromConn = NULL;
00110         ConnectionWrap * toConn = NULL;
00111         for (iter = allConnections->begin(); iter != allConnections->end(); iter++) {
00112                 int fd = (*iter)->getFileHandle();
00113                 if (fd == from) {
00114                         fromConn = (*iter);
00115                 } else if (fd == to) {
00116                         toConn = (*iter);
00117                 }
00118         }
00119         if (fromConn == NULL || toConn == NULL) {
00120                 throw new string("There is no patch between these connections!");
00121         }
00122         toConn->disconnectFrom(fromConn);
00123         updated();
00124 }
00125 void Connector::patch(int from, int to) {
00126         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00127         ConnectionWrap * fromConn = NULL;
00128         ConnectionWrap * toConn = NULL;
00129         for (iter = allConnections->begin(); iter != allConnections->end(); iter++) {
00130                 int fd = (*iter)->getFileHandle();
00131                 if (fd == from) {
00132                         fromConn = (*iter);
00133                         if (toConn!=NULL) { break;}
00135                 } else if (fd == to) {
00136                         toConn = (*iter);
00137                         if (fromConn!=NULL) { break;}
00138                 } 
00139         }
00140         if (fromConn == NULL || toConn == NULL) {
00141                 throw new string("There is no patch between these connections!");
00142         }
00143         if (!fromConn->readable()) {
00144                 throw new string("This is not a valid patch!");
00145         }
00146         toConn->connectFrom(fromConn);
00147         updated();
00148 }
00149 void Connector::sendUpdate() {
00150         char number[12];
00151         if (currentConfig==NULL) {
00152                 list<ConfigConnection *>::iterator iter;
00153                 for (iter = configConnections->begin(); iter != configConnections->end(); iter++) {
00154                         currentConfig = (*iter);
00155                         break;
00156                 }
00157                 if (currentConfig==NULL) {
00158                         return; //No ConfigConnections
00159                 }
00160         }
00161         string final = "<update>";
00162         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00163         for (iter = allConnections->begin(); iter != allConnections->end(); iter++) {
00164                 string * str = (*iter)->getXML();
00165                 if (str!=NULL) {
00166                         final += *str;
00167                         delete str;
00168                 }
00169         }
00170         snprintf(number,12,"%d",lastUpdate());
00171         final += "<time>";
00172         final += string(number);
00173         final += "</time></update>";
00174         currentConfig->write(final.c_str(),final.size());
00175 }
00177 void Connector::process() {
00178         //Call process on data connections
00179         //Check config connections
00180         //Check for new connections
00181         int rw = bf->process(100);
00182         Clock::clock++;
00183         if (rw) {
00184                 list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00185                 for (iter = allConnections->begin(); iter != allConnections->end(); iter++) {
00186                         (*iter)->process();
00187                 }
00188                 list<ConfigConnection *>::iterator citer;
00189                 if (processUpdate!=lastUpdated) {
00190                         ConfigConnection * tmp = currentConfig;
00191                         for (citer = configConnections->begin(); citer != configConnections->end(); citer++) {
00192                                 currentConfig = *citer;
00193                                 try {
00194                                         sendUpdate();
00195                                 } catch (string * err) {
00196                                         cout << "Disconnecting a ConfigConnection\n";
00197                                         configConnections->remove(currentConfig);
00198                                         //delete *citer;
00199                                         delete  currentConfig;
00200                                         currentConfig = NULL;
00201                                         delete err;
00202                                 }
00203                         }
00204                         processUpdate = lastUpdated;
00205                         currentConfig = tmp;
00206                 }
00207                 for (citer = configConnections->begin(); citer != configConnections->end(); citer++) {
00208                         try {
00209                                 if ((*citer)->isMessage()) {
00210                                         currentConfig = (*citer);
00211                                         Message *m = (*citer)->getMessage();
00212                                         string * mstr = m->getXML();
00213                                         cout << "THERE IS A MESSAGE "<< *mstr << "\n" ;
00214                                         try {
00215                                                 ((MessageExecutor*)messageExecutor)->executeMessage(m);
00216                                         } catch (string * err) {
00217                                                 string error = "<error>";
00218                                                 error += *err;
00219                                                 error += "</error>";
00220                                                 currentConfig->write(error.c_str(),error.size());
00221                                         }
00222                                         delete m;
00223                                 } 
00224                                 if (processUpdate!=lastUpdated) {
00226                                 }
00227                         } catch (string * err) {
00228                                 cout << "Disconnecting a ConfigConnection\n";
00229                                 configConnections->remove(currentConfig);
00230                                 //delete *citer;
00231                                 delete  currentConfig;
00232                                 currentConfig = NULL;
00233                                 delete err;
00234                                 break;
00235                         }               
00236                 }        
00237         }
00238         if (connectionFactory->isThereANewConnection()) {
00239                 cout << "There is a connection!\n";
00241                 ConnectionWrap * wrap = connectionFactory->processConnection();
00242                 if (wrap!=NULL) {
00243                         cout << (int)(wrap->conn.floatConn->getFileHandle()) << "\n";
00244                         assert(wrap->conn.floatConn!=0);
00245                         if (wrap->type == CONFIGCONN) {
00246                                 cout << "It's a config connection!\n";
00247                                 configConnections->push_back(wrap->conn.configConn);
00248                                 wrap->conn.configConn = NULL;
00249                                 delete wrap;
00250                         } else if (wrap == NULL) {
00251                                 cout << "NULL Wrapper Returned?\n";
00252                         } else {
00253                                 cout << "It's not config connection!\n";
00254                                 allConnections->push_back(wrap);
00255                         } 
00256                         updated();
00257                 } else {
00258                         cout << "Connection Failed!\n";
00259                 }
00260         }
00261 }
00262 void Connector::shutDown() {
00263         quit = true;
00265 }
00266 bool Connector::done() { 
00267         return quit;
00268 }

Generated on Tue Dec 17 21:14:13 2002 for AUSS_Connector by doxygen1.2.18