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00001 #ifndef TREENODE_H
00002 #define TREENODE_H
00003 #include <vector>
00004 #include <string>
00008 class TreeNode {
00009         public:
00010                 TreeNode(string name,string value,vector<TreeNode *> * childVec);
00011                 TreeNode(string name,string value);
00012                 TreeNode();
00016                 vector<TreeNode*> * children;   
00020                 string name;
00024                 string value;
00028                 vector<TreeNode*> * getChildren(); 
00032                 string getName();
00036                 string getValue();
00043                 TreeNode * getChild(const string & name); 
00047                 bool existChild(const string & name); //Does a subchild exist?
00051                 virtual ~TreeNode();
00055                 void clearChildren();
00056         private:
00057                 void init(string name,string value,vector<TreeNode*> * vecChild);
00059 };
00060 #endif

Generated on Tue Dec 17 21:14:13 2002 for AUSS_Connector by doxygen1.2.18