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00001 #include "connect.h"
00002 #include <stdlib.h>
00006 #define BUFFERSIZE 512
00007 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
00008         if (argc < 3) {
00009                 printf("%s host  port\n",argv[0]);
00010                 return 1;
00011         }
00012         struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
00013         if (he == NULL) {
00014                 printf("Could not resolve host %s!\n",argv[1]);
00015                 return 0;
00016         }
00017         int port = atoi(argv[2]);
00018         int in  = connect(he,port);
00019         if (in <= 0) {
00020                 printf("Could not connect to host %s:%d!\n",argv[1],port);
00021         }
00022         int out = STDOUT_FILENO;
00023         char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
00024         while (-1!=read(in,buffer,BUFFERSIZE)) {
00025                 write(out,buffer,BUFFERSIZE);
00026         }
00027         return 0;
00028 }

Generated on Tue Dec 17 21:14:13 2002 for AUSS_Connector by doxygen1.2.18