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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <stdio.h>
00002 #include <sched.h>
00003 #include <unistd.h>
00004 #include <time.h>
00005 #include <ctype.h>
00006 #include <list>
00007 #include "Connector.h"
00008 #include "ConnectionWrap.h"
00009 #include "BufferedFile.h"
00010 #include "BufferedFileFactory.h"
00011 #include "ConnectionFactory.h"
00012 #include "Connection.h"
00013 #include "FilterConnection.h"
00014 #include "OutputConnection.h"
00015 #include "Clock.h"
00016 #include "connect.h"
00020 #define BUFFSIZE 512
00024 int connect(hostent * he, int port);
00028 bool isNum(char *arg);
00032 string getIP(int ip);
00036 int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
00037         try {
00038                 string * name = NULL;
00039                 list<hostent> hosts;
00040                 list<int> ports;
00041                 try {
00042                         if (argc >= 3) {
00043                                 int index = 2;
00044                                 int offset = 0;
00045                                 if ((argc+1)%2 == 1) { //name included  app10 name21 host32 port43
00046                                         cout << "NAME\n";
00047                                         name = new string(argv[1]);
00048                                         index = 2;
00049                                         offset = 0;
00050                                 } else if ((argc+1)%2 == 0) { //noname app10 host21 port3
00051                                         cout << "NONAME\n";
00052                                         name = NULL;
00053                                         index = 1;
00054                                         offset = 1;
00055                                 }
00056                                 for (; index < argc; index++) {
00057                                         if ((index+offset)%2==1) {
00058                                                 if (!isNum(argv[index])) {
00059                                                         string error = string("Arguement Invalid: ");
00060                                                         error += string(argv[index]);
00061                                                         throw error.c_str();
00062                                                 }
00063                                                 int port = atoi(argv[index]);
00064                                                 ports.push_back(port);
00065                                         } else {
00066                                                 struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(argv[index]);
00067                                                 if (he == NULL) {
00068                                                         string errstr = "Could not resolve host ";
00069                                                         errstr += string(argv[index]);
00070                                                         throw errstr.c_str();
00071                                                 }
00072                                                 hosts.push_back(*he);
00073                                         }
00074                                 }
00075                         } else {
00076                                 throw (char*)NULL;
00077                         }
00078                 } catch (char * err) {
00079                         if (err != NULL) {
00080                                 cerr << "ERROR: " << err << "\n";
00081                         }
00082                         cout << argv[0] << " [name] [host] [port] [host] [port] ...\n";
00083                         return 0;
00084                 }
00085                 list<ConnectionWrap *> outgoing;
00086                 list<hostent>::iterator hostIter = hosts.begin();
00087                 list<int>::iterator portIter = ports.begin();
00088                 BufferedFileFactory bf;
00089                 BufferedFile * inputBf = bf.getNewBufferedFile(STDIN_FILENO);
00090                 inputBf->setReadOnly();
00091                 //InputConnection<short> * ic = new InputConnection<short>(inputBf);
00092                 //ConnectionWrap * icw = new ConnectionWrap(ic,SHORTCONN);
00093                 char * buffer = new char[BUFFSIZE * 2];//(icw->getDataSize())];
00094                 int framesize = 2;
00095                 while (hostIter != hosts.end() && portIter != ports.end()) {
00096                         int port = *portIter;
00097                         hostent host = *hostIter;
00098                         int fd =  connect(&host,port);
00099                         cout << host.h_name << " " << port << "\n";
00100                         if (fd!=-1) {
00101                                 cout << "FD: " << fd <<"\n";
00102                                 BufferedFile * outputBf = bf.getNewBufferedFile(fd);
00103                                 outputBf->setWriteOnly();
00104                                 OutputConnection<short> * oc = new OutputConnection<short>(outputBf);
00105                                 outgoing.push_back(new ConnectionWrap(oc,SHORTCONN));
00106                                 //oc->connectFrom((Connection<short>*)ic);
00107                         }
00108                         hostIter++;
00109                         portIter++;
00110                 }
00111                 if (name!=NULL) {
00112                         string headStart("<header><name>");
00113                         string nameEnd("</name>");
00114                         string headEnd("</header>");
00115                         int length = headStart.length() + headEnd.length() + nameEnd.length() + name->length();
00116                         if (length%framesize!=0) {
00117                                 int count = framesize - length%framesize - 1;
00118                                 for (int i = 0 ; i < count; i++) {
00119                                         nameEnd += " ";
00120                                 }
00121                                 length = headStart.length() + headEnd.length() + nameEnd.length() + name->length();
00122                         }
00123                         const char * header = (headStart+(*name)+nameEnd+headEnd).c_str();
00125                         bf.process(100);
00126                         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00127                         for (iter = outgoing.begin(); iter != outgoing.end(); iter++) {
00128                                 ConnectionWrap * cw = (*iter);
00129                                 //if (cw->writeReady()) {
00130                                         cw->write((char*)header,length);
00131                                 //}
00132                         }
00134                 }
00135                 for (;;) {
00136                         int rw = bf.process(100);
00137                         Clock::clock++;
00138                         if (rw >= 2) {
00139                                         //int r = icw->read((char*)buffer,BUFFSIZE);
00140                                         //int r = ic->read((short*)buffer,BUFFSIZE);
00141                                         read(STDIN_FILENO,buffer,BUFFSIZE*2);
00142                                         list<ConnectionWrap *>::iterator iter;
00143                                         for (iter = outgoing.begin(); iter != outgoing.end(); iter++) {
00144                                                 ConnectionWrap * cw = (*iter);
00145                                                 if (cw->writeReady()) {
00146                                                         cw->write((char*)buffer,BUFFSIZE);
00147                                                 }
00148                                         }
00149                         }
00150                 }
00151         } catch (char * str) {
00152                 cerr<< "G EXCEPTION: " <<str<<"\n";
00153         } catch (string * str) {
00154                 cerr<< "G EXCEPTION: " <<*str<<"\n";
00155         }
00156         return 0;
00157 }
00158 bool isNum(char *arg) {
00159         for (int i = 0; arg[i]!='\0' ; i++) {
00160                 if (!isdigit(arg[i])) {
00161                         return false;
00162                 }
00163         }
00164         return true;
00165 }
00166 string getIP(int ip) {
00167         int i1 = ip >> 24;
00168         int i2 = (ip << 8 )>> 24;
00169         int i3 = (ip << 16)>> 24;
00170         int i4 = (ip << 24)>> 24;
00171         char data[12];
00172         string out = "";
00173         out+=string((snprintf(data,12,"%d",i1),data));//Bad coding style uses , operator
00174         out+=string((snprintf(data,12,"%d",i2),data));
00175         out+=string((snprintf(data,12,"%d",i3),data));
00176         out+=string((snprintf(data,12,"%d",i4),data));
00177         return out;
00178 }

Generated on Tue Dec 17 21:14:13 2002 for AUSS_Connector by doxygen1.2.18