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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "ConnectionFactory.h"
00006 string * attemptHeader(BufferedFile * file);
00010 int server(int port); 
00012 ConnectionFactory::ConnectionFactory(BufferedFileFactory * bf,int start) {
00013         init(bf,start,start+1,start+2,start+3);
00014 }
00015 ConnectionFactory::ConnectionFactory(BufferedFileFactory * bf,int inputPort,int outputPort,int filterPort,int configPort) {
00016         init(bf,inputPort,outputPort,filterPort,configPort);
00017 }
00018 //Might want to switch to BufferedFiles
00019 bool ConnectionFactory::isThereANewConnection() {
00020         //tv.tv_sec = 0;
00021         //tv.tv_usec = 0; //0 milliseconds
00022         //conn_set = conn;
00023         //int currCount = select(maxfd+1, &conn_set, NULL, NULL, &tv);
00024         //return (currCount > 0);
00025         int newConnections = 0;
00026         //cerr << "InputBF: "<< inputBF->getFileHandle() << " " << (int)(inputBF) << "\n";
00027         if (inputBF->readReady()) {
00028                 newConnections++;
00029         }
00030         if (outputBF->readReady()) {
00031                 newConnections++;
00032         }
00033         if (filterBF->readReady()) {
00034                 newConnections++;
00035         }
00036         if (configBF->readReady()) {
00037                 newConnections++;
00038         }
00039         return (newConnections > 0);
00040 }
00042 #define MAXHEADERSIZE 4096
00044 string * attemptHeader(BufferedFile * file) {
00045         char a[MAXHEADERSIZE+1];
00046         char * data = NULL;
00047         string work;
00048         string hStart = "<header>";
00049         string hClose = "</header>";
00050         int oldWait = file->getWait();
00051         string * buff = NULL;
00052         file->setWait(10000); //10 milliseconds
00053         //if (file->readReady()) {
00054         if (file->ready(BUFFER_READ)) {
00055                         int count = file->Read((char*)a,MAXHEADERSIZE);
00056                         if (count > 0) {
00057                                 a[count] = '\0'; //Make a legal string
00058                                 work = string(a);
00059                                 int headerStart = work.find("<header>",0);
00060                                 int headerEnd = work.find("</header>",0);
00061                                 if (headerStart!= (int)string::npos && headerEnd != (int)string::npos && headerStart < headerEnd && headerEnd) {
00062                                         buff = new string(work.substr(headerStart,headerEnd + hClose.size()));
00063                                         headerEnd = headerEnd+hClose.size();
00064                                 } else {
00065                                         headerStart = headerEnd = 0;
00066                                 }
00067                                 if (headerEnd < count) {
00068                                         data = new char[count-headerEnd];
00069                                         memcpy(data,(char*)a+(headerEnd),count-headerEnd);
00070                                         file->pushBack(data,count-headerEnd);
00071                                 }
00072                         }
00073         }
00074         file->setWait(oldWait);
00075         return buff;
00076 }
00077 BufferedFile * ConnectionFactory::acceptAndGetFile(int fdin) {
00078         struct sockaddr_in clientname;
00079         int size = sizeof (struct sockaddr);
00080         int fd = accept(fdin, (struct sockaddr *) &clientname, &(socklen_t)size);
00081         cerr << "FileDescriptor: " << fd << "\n";
00082         return bf->getNewBufferedFile(fd);
00083 }
00084 int max(int a, int b) {
00085         if (a > b) {
00086                 return a;
00087         }
00088         return b;
00089 }
00091         //<header>
00092         //<name>Sample Program</name>
00093         //<interleaved>1</interleaved>
00094         //<rate>44100</rate>
00095         //<channels>2</channels>
00096         //<endian>little</endian>
00097         //<type>short</type>
00098         //<framesize>4<framesize>
00099         //</header>
00101 //Connection<T>  *      ConnectionFactory::processConnection(
00102 ConnectionWrap * ConnectionFactory::processConnection()  { //MUST HAVE CALL isThereANewConnection() before!
00103         BufferedFile * file = NULL;
00104         string * header = NULL;
00105         Connection<char> * charConn = NULL;
00106         Connection<short> * shortConn = NULL;
00107         Connection<float> * floatConn = NULL;
00108         Connection<double> * doubleConn = NULL;
00109         //if (FD_ISSET(configfd,&conn_set)) {
00110         if (configBF->readReady()) {
00111                         //file = acceptAndGetFile(configfd);
00112                         file = acceptAndGetFile(configBF->getFileHandle());
00113                         ConfigConnection * config = new ConfigConnection(file);
00114                         ConnectionWrap * wrap = new ConnectionWrap(config,CONFIGCONN);
00115                         return wrap;
00116         }
00117         bool input,output,filter;
00118         input = output = filter = false;
00119         string name="";
00120         //if (FD_ISSET(inputfd,&conn_set)) {
00121         if (inputBF->readReady()) {
00122                         file = acceptAndGetFile(inputfd);
00123                         input = true;
00124                         name+="input";
00125         //} else if (FD_ISSET(outputfd,&conn_set)) {
00126         } else if (outputBF->readReady()) {
00127                         file = acceptAndGetFile(outputfd);
00128                         output = true;
00129                         name+="ouput";
00130         //} else if (FD_ISSET(filterfd,&conn_set)) {
00131         } else if (filterBF->readReady()) {
00132                         file = acceptAndGetFile(filterfd);
00133                         filter = true;
00134                         name+="filter";
00135         } else {
00136                 return NULL;
00137         }
00138         char number[12];
00139         snprintf(number,12,"%d",file->getFileHandle());
00140         name+=string(number);
00141         cerr << "FD: " << file->getFileHandle() << "\n";
00142         header = attemptHeader(file);
00143         string type = "short";
00144                 if (header!=NULL) {
00145                         Message * msg = new Message(*header);
00146                         delete header;
00147                         TreeNode * node = msg->getTree();
00148                         try {
00149                                 if (node->existChild("header")) {
00150                                         node = node->getChild("header");
00151                                         if (node->existChild("name")) {
00152                                                 name = node->getChild("name")->getValue();
00153                                         }
00154                                         if (node->existChild("type")) {
00155                                                 type = node->getChild("type")->getValue();
00156                                         }
00157                                 }
00158                         } catch (string * err) {}
00159                         delete msg;
00160                 }
00162         //Is there a better way?
00163         //Connection<T> * out = NULL;
00164         ConnectionWrap  * wrap = new ConnectionWrap();
00165         if (input) {
00166                 file->setReadOnly();
00167         } else if (output) {
00168                 file->setWriteOnly();
00169         }
00170         if (type == "short") {
00171                 if (input)       { (shortConn) =  (Connection<short>*)(new InputConnection<short>(file,name)); shortConn->setType("short");}
00172                 else if (output) { (shortConn) =  (Connection<short>*)(new OutputConnection<short>(file,name));shortConn->setType("short");}
00173                 else if (filter) { (shortConn) =  (Connection<short>*)(new FilterConnection<short>(file,name));shortConn->setType("short");}
00174                 //return new ConnectionWrap(shortConn,SHORTCONN);
00175                 wrap->type = SHORTCONN; 
00176                 wrap->conn.shortConn = shortConn;
00177         } else if (type == "byte") {
00178                 if (input)       { (charConn) =  (Connection<char>*)(new InputConnection<short>(file,name)); charConn->setType("byte");}
00179                 else if (output) { (charConn) =  (Connection<char>*)(new OutputConnection<short>(file,name));charConn->setType("byte");}
00180                 else if (filter) { (charConn) =  (Connection<char>*)(new FilterConnection<short>(file,name));charConn->setType("byte");}
00181                 //return new ConnectionWrap(charConn,CHARCONN);
00182                 wrap->type = CHARCONN; 
00183                 wrap->conn.charConn = charConn;
00184         } else if (type == "float") {
00185                 if (input)       { (floatConn) =  (Connection<float>*)new InputConnection<short>(file,name); floatConn->setType("float");}
00186                 else if (output) { (floatConn) =  (Connection<float>*)new OutputConnection<short>(file,name);floatConn->setType("float");}
00187                 else if (filter) { (floatConn) =  (Connection<float>*)new FilterConnection<short>(file,name);floatConn->setType("float");}
00188                 //return new ConnectionWrap(floatConn,FLOATCONN);
00189                 wrap->type = FLOATCONN; 
00190                 wrap->conn.floatConn = floatConn;
00191         } else if (type == "double") {
00192                 if (input)       { (doubleConn) = (Connection<double>*) new InputConnection<short>(file,name); doubleConn->setType("double");}
00193                 else if (output) { (doubleConn) = (Connection<double>*) new OutputConnection<short>(file,name);doubleConn->setType("double");}
00194                 else if (filter) { (doubleConn) = (Connection<double>*) new FilterConnection<short>(file,name);doubleConn->setType("double");}
00195                 //return new ConnectionWrap(doubleConn,DOUBLECONN);
00196                 wrap->type = DOUBLECONN; 
00197                 wrap->conn.doubleConn = doubleConn;
00198         }
00199         if (wrap == NULL || wrap->conn.voidStar == NULL) {
00200                 return NULL;
00201         }
00202         return wrap;
00203 }//Changed from interface
00205 void ConnectionFactory::init(BufferedFileFactory * bff,int inputPort,int outputPort,int filterPort,int configPort) {
00206         if (inputPort) {
00207                 inputfd  = server(inputPort);
00208         }
00209         if (outputPort) {
00210                 outputfd = server(outputPort);
00211         }
00212         if (filterPort) {
00213                 filterfd = server(filterPort);
00214         }
00215         if (configPort) {
00216                 configfd = server(configPort);
00217         }
00218         //FD_ZERO (&conn);
00219         //FD_ZERO (&conn_set);
00220         //FD_SET (inputfd, &conn);
00221         //FD_SET (outputfd, &conn);
00222         //FD_SET (filterfd, &conn);
00223         //FD_SET (configfd, &conn);
00224         //maxfd = max(inputfd,max(outputfd,max(filterfd,configfd)));
00225         bf = bff;
00226         if (inputPort) {
00227                 inputBF  = bf->getNewBufferedFile(inputfd);
00228                 inputBF->setReadOnly();
00229         } else {
00230                 inputBF  = new BufferedFile(-1);
00231         }
00232         if (outputPort) {
00233                 outputBF = bf->getNewBufferedFile(outputfd);
00234                 outputBF->setReadOnly();
00235         } else {
00236                 outputBF = new BufferedFile(-1);
00237         }
00238         if (filterPort) {
00239                 filterBF = bf->getNewBufferedFile(filterfd);
00240                 filterBF->setReadOnly();
00241         } else {
00242                 filterBF = new BufferedFile(-1);
00243         }
00244         if (configPort) {
00245                 configBF = bf->getNewBufferedFile(configfd);
00246                 configBF->setReadOnly();
00247         } else {
00248                 configBF = new BufferedFile(-1);
00249         }
00250 }
00252 int server(int port) {
00253         int serverfd;
00254         struct sockaddr_in serveraddr;
00255         serverfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
00256         bzero(&serveraddr,sizeof(serveraddr));
00257         serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
00258         serveraddr.sin_port = htons(port);
00259         serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
00260         bind(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serveraddr,sizeof(serveraddr));
00261         listen(serverfd,30);
00262         fprintf(stderr,"Waiting for connection on port %d\n",port);
00263         return serverfd;
00264 }
00265 ConnectionFactory::~ConnectionFactory() {
00266         inputBF->Close();
00267         outputBF->Close();
00268         filterBF->Close();
00269         configBF->Close();
00270         delete inputBF;
00271         delete outputBF;
00272         delete filterBF;
00273         delete configBF;
00274 }

Generated on Tue Dec 17 21:14:13 2002 for AUSS_Connector by doxygen1.2.18