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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "BufferedFile.h"
00003 #include "BufferedFileFactory.h"
00004 #endif
00008 #define TIMETOWAIT 1000
00010 extern int write(int fd,void * data, int size);
00011 BufferedFile::BufferedFile(int fdesc)  {
00012         pushBackBlocks = list<CharAndSize *>();
00013         this->fd = fdesc;       
00014         parent = NULL;
00015         preadReady = false;
00016         pwriteReady = false;
00017         hasRead = false;
00018         hasWritten  = false;
00019         reading = writing = true;
00020         timeToWait = TIMETOWAIT;
00021 }
00022 BufferedFile::BufferedFile()  {
00023         parent = NULL;
00024         pushBackBlocks = list<CharAndSize *>();
00025         preadReady = false;
00026         pwriteReady = false;
00027         reading = writing = true;
00028         timeToWait = TIMETOWAIT;
00029 }
00030 void BufferedFile::setBufferedFileFactory(void * p) {
00031         parent = p;
00032 }
00034 int BufferedFile::Write(const char * data,int size) {
00035         hasWritten = true;
00036         return write(fd,(const void *)data, size);
00037         //i = write(this->fd,(void *)data, sizeof(char)*size);
00038         //return (int)i;
00039 }
00040 BufferedFile::~BufferedFile() {
00041         //cerr << "~BufferedFile\n";
00042         list<CharAndSize *>::iterator iter = pushBackBlocks.begin();
00043         while (iter != pushBackBlocks.end()) {
00044         //for (iter = pushBackBlocks.begin(); iter < pushBackBlocks.end(); iter++) {
00045                 delete [] (*iter)->data;
00046                 delete (*iter);
00047                 iter++;
00048         }
00049         if (fd) {
00050                 close(fd);
00051         }
00052 }
00053 void BufferedFile::pushBack(char * data,int size) {
00054         struct CharAndSize * c = new CharAndSize();
00055         c->data = data;
00056         c->size = size;
00057         c->alreadyRead = 0;
00058         pushBackBlocks.push_front(c);
00059 }
00060 int BufferedFile::Read(char * data, int size) {
00061         hasRead = true; //Read was called.
00062         int index = 0;
00063         if (!pushBackBlocks.empty()) {
00064                 int si = 0;
00065                 int sar = 0;
00066                 int min = 0;
00067                 int alr = 0;
00068                 //list<CharAndSize *>::iterator iter;
00069                 while (!pushBackBlocks.empty()) {
00070                         CharAndSize * block = *(pushBackBlocks.begin());
00071                         pushBackBlocks.pop_front();
00072                         si = size-index; //bytes left to read
00073                         min = si; 
00074                         alr = block->alreadyRead; //already read bytes
00075                         sar = (block->size) - alr; //bytes left in this block
00076                         if (sar < min) { sar = min; }
00077                         for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) {
00078                                 data[index+i] = block->data[alr+i];
00079                         }
00080                         //if (sar > si) { //We haven't read enough of a block to count!
00081                         if (sar > si) { //We haven't read enough of a block to count!
00082                                         //Case 1 we aren't done with this
00083                                         //block
00084                                 block->alreadyRead+=min;
00085                                 pushBackBlocks.push_front(block);
00086                                 return size;
00087                         } else if ( sar == si  ) { //We have read all we need to read!
00088                                                    //Case2 The block is all we
00089                                                    //needed!
00090                                 delete [] block->data;
00091                                 block->data = NULL;
00092                                 delete block;
00093                                 return size;
00094                         } else if (sar < si) { //We need more blocks
00095                                 delete [] block->data;
00096                                 block->data = NULL;
00097                                 delete block;
00098                                 index+=sar;
00099                         }
00100                 }
00101         }
00102         if (index >= size) {
00103                 return size;
00104         }
00105         int total = read(fd,(void *)(data+index), sizeof(char)*(size-index));
00106         if (index) {
00107                 return total + index;
00108         } else {
00109                 return total;
00110         }
00111 }
00112 //bool BufferedFile::readReady() {return ready(0);}
00113 //bool BufferedFile::writeReady() {return ready(1);}
00114 bool BufferedFile::readReady() {return preadReady;}
00115 bool BufferedFile::writeReady() {return pwriteReady;}
00117 void BufferedFile::Close() {
00118         if (parent!=NULL) {
00119                 ((BufferedFileFactory*)parent)->closeFile(this);
00120         }
00121         parent = NULL;
00122         if (fd > 0) {
00123                 close(fd);
00124                 fd = 0;
00125         }
00126 }
00128 bool BufferedFile::ready(int rw) {
00129         if (pushBackBlocks.size() > 0) {
00130                 return true;
00131         }
00132         fd_set tmp_set;
00133         FD_ZERO (&tmp_set);
00134         FD_SET (fd, &tmp_set);
00135         struct timeval tv;
00136         tv.tv_sec = 0;
00137         tv.tv_usec = timeToWait; 
00138         int currCount;
00139         if (!rw) {
00140                 currCount = select(fd+1, &tmp_set, NULL, NULL, &tv);
00141         } else {
00142                 currCount = select(fd+1 ,NULL, &tmp_set,  NULL, &tv);
00143         }
00144         return (currCount > 0);
00145 }
00146 void BufferedFile::setWait(int w) {
00147         timeToWait = w;
00148 }
00149 int BufferedFile::getWait() {
00150         return timeToWait;
00151 }
00152 int BufferedFile::getFileHandle() {
00153         return fd;
00154 }
00155 void BufferedFile::setWriteReady(bool b) {
00156         pwriteReady = b;
00157         hasWritten = false;
00158 }
00159 void BufferedFile::setReadReady(bool b) {
00160         preadReady = b;
00161         hasRead = false;
00162 }
00163 void BufferedFile::setWriteOnly() {
00164         reading = false;
00165         writing = true;
00166         setParentRW();
00167 }
00168 void BufferedFile::setParentRW() {
00169         if (parent!=NULL) {
00170                 ((BufferedFileFactory*)parent)->setBufferedFileWrite(this,writing);
00171                 ((BufferedFileFactory*)parent)->setBufferedFileRead(this,reading);
00172         }
00173 }
00174 void BufferedFile::setReadOnly() {
00175         reading = true;
00176         writing = false;
00177         setParentRW();
00178 }
00179 void BufferedFile::setReadWrite() {
00180         reading = true;
00181         writing = true;
00182         setParentRW();
00183 }
00184 bool BufferedFile::doesRead() {
00185         return reading;
00186 }
00187 bool BufferedFile::doesWrite() {
00188         return writing;
00189 }
00190 bool BufferedFile::hasBeenWritten() {
00191         return hasWritten;
00192 }
00193 bool BufferedFile::hasBeenRead() {
00194         return hasRead;
00195 }

Generated on Tue Dec 17 21:14:13 2002 for AUSS_Connector by doxygen1.2.18